Andrew May’s Goblins – Trollcast (Box Set)

TFM is pleased to announce the release of its first Fantasy Box Set of Trollcast miniatures: Andrew May’s Goblins.

Trollcast armoured goblins

10 Trollcast Armoured Halberdier Goblins, sculpted by Andrew May

These ‘old skool’ miniatures are at old skool prices – $10 for 10!

Andrew May’s Armoured Halberdier Goblins@ TFM Store

11 Responses to “Andrew May’s Goblins – Trollcast (Box Set)”

  1. These look great. Excited to get my hands on some.

    • I’m glad you like them, and I hope that when you do get your hand on them that you’ll come back and let us know what you think of them (and of the Trollcast material).

  2. Pointyteeth Says:

    Awesome! Love these guys, they’ve got that “Froud” look.

    • I thought the same. I love Labyrinth – I remember watching it as a kid and marvelling at all the designs and attention to detail. It’s how I found out about his art. These Goblins do have quite a nostalgic feel to them.

      Talking of nostalgia: $1 = 60p. That takes me back to when I first started collecting miniatures. Obviously back in the day they were lead-alloy, and these are Trollcast, but it’s still an amazing price.

  3. These look great! I can’t wait to see what awesome things you do with this new casting method. Will you release a command set for these goblins? Even in metal it would still be a great deal for the whole unit. Perhaps you could even bundle a metal command with some plastics for a ten model command box. Maybe charge around $15-$20 for a box like that so people can use the models in some gaming systems.

    • There is a lot of great stuff on the way. Command characters for these Goblins would make a lot of sense, considering you could build a horde of 100 goblins for $100, but I have not seen any as yet. Perhaps Andrew will sculpt some up if these do well?

      IIRC the Mon-Goblins will be Trollcast, and they do have a set of command characters, but I do not have a time-frame for them.

      • Sounds great. How soon will there be sci-fi releases in Trollcast? I’d imagine if you can come out with decently priced sci-fi human troops you’d do quite well. Is there a release schedule for what is coming out in Trollcast? I’m very tempted to order some items, but I’d like to order a bunch at once if possible to spread out shipping. I know you were working on casting items for Defiance Games, but are there plans to work with other manufactures to produce minis in Trollcast? I’d imagine there are a lot of smaller companies that could benefit from your technique with the way metal keeps rising in cost.

      • The next Trollcast release is Bock’s Alien Brain – should be tomorrow (22-06-2012). After that there’s nothing set in stone. As for Trollcasting other companies’ product, all I can say is that Ed has a lot of irons in the fire…

  4. Francesco Says:

    1 $ is retail price?

  5. I just received these in the mail. This Trollcast stuff is kind-of wonderful…
    The thing that impressed me the most was how thin the halberd poles are. I’d compare the diameter to a large sewing needle, much thinner than a toothpick. The details are sharp and all, but this really drove home how tight this casting is. In resin I’d expect these to snap in half following a baby’s sigh, but these would require a direct attempt at breaking.
    The models themselves are exactly what I expected, Full of character, definitely “labrynth-y” as described above. But man, I’d recommend buying these just to see how well they are cast. It’s that good!

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